Arena Homme Korea sits down with Creative Director Johannes Torpe to learn what’s new.
Fremtidens cykelbutik skal være en nærmest religiøs oplevelse →
Eine ‚hygge‘ Tour durch Kopenhagen →
The Red Mountain Resort Invites Guests On an Inward Journey →
The Icelandic Dream →
Iceland spa project for the modern spiritual traveller scoops MIPIM 2018 commendation →
The Red Mountain Resort →
From hit singles to buildings in Iceland that disappear behind volcanoes, Johannes Thorpe is making his golden space suit dream come to life →
Mormor sofa & Subu Restaurant →
4 talks not to be missed at Design Indaba →
요하네스의 광대한 서사 →
Interview with Johannes Torpe →
Epic Iceland spa resort promises sensory new escape →
This Spa in Iceland Would Disappear Into the Surrounding Volcanoes →
Iceland is famous for its unique landscapes. Soon, visitors to the country could be able to book luxury accommodations without feeling like they’ve left the outdoors. The design firm Johannes Torpe has proposed an Icelandic spa and resort that disappears into its surroundings.
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A Proposed Icelandic Resort Celebrates Wellness and its Magical Surroundings →
Johannes Torpe Studios designs Red Mountain Resort →
Local saga inspires new hotel in Iceland →
Talking Shop: The design secrets behind Bang & Olufsen’s store →
"A busy man, with powerful design ideas, The Memo asked Torpe how he’s transforming the face of retail with Bang & Olufsen’s store."
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Johannes Torpe Studio celebrates Nike’s iconic heritage in its Beijing office →
"Striking a balance between a brand’s history and its dedication to innovation is at the core of Johannes Torpe Studio’s installations created for the Nike office in China. The Copenhagen-based studio placed a collection of brand installations within the space, reflecting on the company’s legendary foundational stories whilst championing its progress."